Web Analytics

SEO Web Analytics

Get the Data to Succeed!

Better user experience. More conversions. Better overall performance. These are just a few benefits you receive when you have complete web analytics tool installed on your website. Evoke Design has the latest technology to work with you every step of the way.

What is Web Analytics?

Web Analytics is the collection, analysis and reporting of website data. It measures the performance of a website in a commercial context, placing emphasis on visitor behavior. All data are tracked and recorded to help companies make better strategic decisions to improve a site’s usability, conversions and overall performance.

There are two kinds of web analytics:

  1. Off-site web analytics: Measures a website’s opportunity (potential audience), visibility (share of voice) and comments or buzz that’s happening on the Internet.
  2. On-site web analytics: Measures the visitor’s journey once on your website and the performance of your website in a commercial context.

All the data gathered from doing web analytics, whether off- or on-site, is compared against key performance indicators, and used to improve a website or marketing campaign’s audience response.

Improve the user experience on your website! Call us toll free 1-866-717-5646 or get a FREE SEO Web Analytics quote!

SEO Website Analysis

Before beginning any search engine optimization (SEO) campaign, Evoke Design experts dive into the web analytics data and gather key performance indicators to create a targeted search marketing strategy that will best fit your objectives and goals.

Based on the target audience, we analyze the following data:

  • Top referring keywords
  • Referring domains
  • Visitor click paths
  • Paid versus natural campaigns
  • Geographical referrals
  • Visiting trends
  • Top landing pages
  • Conversion rates
  • Bounce rates

Search Spider Analysis

Analyzing search spiders behavior is another service provided by Evoke Design. You need to analyze both spiders and human visitor’s behavior in order to create a stronger SEO strategy. Our search spider analysis includes:

  • Which search spiders index the website
  • Which pages are indexed by each search spider
  • How often each search spider visits the site
  • Non-existent or old pages requested by search spiders (404 Error)
  • Internal server errors (500 Error)

Remember, web analytics and SEO are mutually inclusive. They complement each other to not only improve your search engine visibility but also to get a better user experience.

Evoke Design can create a complete strategy for you, one that includes aspects, such as:

  • Understanding where your customers are coming from
  • Gathering the list of keywords that are being typed in the search engines when looking for products such as yours
  • Finding out which pages customers visited within your site will provide you with the knowledge to make the right decisions regarding design and web usability

Get a complete analysis of your company’s website! Call us toll-free 1-866-717-5646 or get a FREE Web Site Analysis quote from one of our SEO experts.